....wondered if there is a better way of assessing or treating a patient?
....had a conversation with a colleague about a technique and wanted to know if it would work?
....heard a news story and questioned if the information would apply to your practice?
....been asked a question about a treatment or condition you have not heard of before?
Evidence-based practice involves clinical decision making using systematic evidence as well as clinical expertise and patient’s preferences, within the context of the workplace (Satterfield, 2009). Optometrists, like other health professions, have a desire and clinical responsibility to help their patients see effectively and be as healthy as possible (Code of Conduct for optometrists, Optometry Board of Australia. Available at: http://www.optometryboard.gov.au/Policies-Codes-Guidelines.aspx).
EBP offers a framework for deciding which course of clinical action may be most appropriate for any given patient. It is difficult to have the answer to every clinical question, particularly as patients vary. Instead, having the EBP knowledge and skills allows you answer your own individual questions - for your particular patient. EBP should improve your practice and result in better outcomes for your patient. EBP is well-adopted by other health professions, for example medicine, speech pathology, psychology and nursing. It is the project team’s goal that graduates and practitioners will be able to answer a clinical question using EBP from after completing the materials on this site.
The Fresno Test was developed to assess knowledge and skills in evidence based medicine and has been successfully modified for use by other health professions including optometry.
The Project communicates with, and disseminates information to a large Collaborative Network of interested or interesting individuals/parties. It currently includes more than 18 groups spanning across Australia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada and India. If you are interested in being part of this Network, please do not hesitate to send us an email.
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