Ask, Acquire, Appraise

4 mins

This resource is a description of an assignment I have used in a postgraduate course on Evidence-based Optometry, but which could also be used at undergraduate level or by practitioners wishing to hone their EBP skills. The assignment involves working through the first three steps of the EBP process: Ask (formulating a clinical question around a clinical scenario), Acquire (obtain research evidence to address the question) and Appraise (evaluate the evidence to find the best available evidence relevant to the clinical question). I have suggested here that the duration of the task is about 4 hours. While it could be completed in that time I think it would be beneficial to take longer over this if possible.

Resource contributed by: Dr Catherine Suttle
Affiliation: University of New South Wales
Notes: Please contact me if you would like more information about this resource.
Date uploaded:  20/6/2013
Latest review:  20/6/2013
Reviewed by:  
Next review due:  December 2014

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