EBP Resources

Sharpen your skills and knowledge in EBP

Resources for learning, teaching and broadening understanding and skills of evidence-based practice. These resources include a diverse range of tasks, activities, assessments, tutorials and more. Each resource addresses one or many of the five steps of the evidence-based process (ask, acquire, appraise, apply and audit).

The site has a special page dedicated to resources that are Case Studies or worked examples of the EBP Process. Click here for the list of EBP Case Studies.

Use the 'Audience' filter to refine the list for your purpose (student, teacher or optometrist).

Use the 'EBP process' filter to find resouces that address a particular step in the process of implementing EBP in optometry.

Duration EBP process Author
Answering Clinical Questions 5 mins EBP Resource, Step 1 - Ask, Step 2 - Acquire Isabelle Jalbert
Ask, Acquire, Appraise 4 mins EBP Resource, Step 1 - Ask, Step 2 - Acquire, Step 3 - Appraise Catherine Suttle
Barriers to EBP Task 15 mins EBP Resource, Step 1 - Ask, Step 2 - Acquire, Step 3 - Appraise, Step 4 - Apply, Step 5 - Audit Catherine Suttle
BMJ How to Read a Paper series 60 mins EBP Resource, Step 3 - Appraise Trish Greenhalgh
Centre for Evidence-based Medicine (CEBM) 20 mins+ EBP Resource, Step 1 - Ask, Step 2 - Acquire, Step 3 - Appraise, Step 4 - Apply, Step 5 - Audit Centre for Evidence-based Medicine
Centre for Eye Health 10 mins+ EBP Resource, Step 4 - Apply Centre for Eye Health Staff
Clinical Research and Evidence-based Practice 60 mins EBP Resource Robert Jacobs
Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group 15 mins+ EBP Resource, Step 2 - Acquire, Step 3 - Appraise Cochrane Eye and Vision Group
Critical Appraisal Tool 60 mins EBP Resource, Step 3 - Appraise Rachel Thompson
Description of the peer review system 10 mins EBP Resource Catherine Suttle
Development and adoption of Visual Acuity charts based on the “logMAR” principles 30 mins EBP Resource, Step 4 - Apply Robert Jacobs
Easy Critical Appraisal Tool 30 minutes EBP Resource Catherine Suttle
EBP Interest Group Introductory meeting October 2013 30 mins EBP Resource, Step 1 - Ask, Step 2 - Acquire Isabelle Jalbert
EBP Interest Group Workshop on Critical Appraisal 30 minutes EBP Resource, Step 3 - Appraise Isabelle Jalbert
How to use your PICO question to search effectively 10 mins EBP Resource, Step 1 - Ask, Step 2 - Acquire Elizabeth Murray
Information Skills Tutorial EBP Resource UNSW Medicine
Introduction to EBP in Optometry 60 mins EBP Resource, Step 1 - Ask, Step 2 - Acquire, Step 3 - Appraise, Step 4 - Apply, Step 5 - Audit Robert Jacobs
Joanna Briggs Institute 30 mins EBP Resource, Step 2 - Acquire, Step 3 - Appraise, Step 4 - Apply Joanna Briggs Institute
Journal links for eye care and vision 5 mins EBP Resource, Step 2 - Acquire Isabelle Jalbert, Catherine Suttle and Elizabeth Murray
Medical Statistics Tutorial 30+ mins EBP Resource, Step 3 - Appraise Rachel Thompson, Mike Bennett, Ed Loughman.


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